Animator Interview Questions

joseph cole

Updated on March 1, 2023

Discover the essential animator interview questions that will help you identify the top talent for your organization. Our comprehensive list covers the key skills and attributes that top-performing animators should possess, enabling you to make informed hiring decisions. With our expert guidance, you can confidently find the ideal animator to bring your creative vision to life.

Considerations for Hiring an Animator

Animators are the creative minds behind animated films, videos, and games. An Animator can choose to work with an animation studio, private companies (graphic designs, advertising, etc.), or as a freelancer. They usually are certified in graphic design, fine arts, or computer animation. Work experience is important unless you are looking for a Jr. Animator.

You must request the candidate to share his portfolio or samples of previous work. It will help you find how creative he is and what type of techniques he is most familiar with. If the work shared by him is impressive, call him for a personal interview and discuss- how he created his animations and how much time he generally needs to create a design.

Assessing the key skills of an Animator is also important. Skills like storytelling, problem-solving, and collaboration are important. The ideal candidates answer clearly and enthusiastically when asked about the process of animation making and will demonstrate great project management skills.

Operational and Situational Questions

  • What things do you keep in mind when creating a storyboard?
  • Say, for example, your client keeps rejecting your submitted raw designs, what would you do?
  • If you were given a project and all of a sudden its deadline changed and now you have to submit it in a few days, how would you go about it?

Role-specific Questions

  • Why do you want to work with our company?
  • How do you stay upbeat with changing animation trends?
  • What animation methods do you specialize in?
  • What according to you is the best case to use MoCap instead of animation?
  • Are you more skilled in acting or action?
  • How much do you rate yourself in rigging, on a scale of 1-10?
  • What software do you mostly work on?
  • What is your inspiration when making animations?

What is your favorite online game? Do you think it needs improvements and where?

Behavioral Questions

  • Tell me about a project you are most proud of and why? Which one is the weakest and how you could have improved it?
  • Tell me about a time when your team or client was too reluctant to accept your ideas. How did you manage the situation?
  • Describe a time you missed a deadline. How did you convince your client?
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