2 min read

Marketing Intern Interview Questions

joseph cole

Updated on March 1, 2023

Are you looking for a marketing intern to support your team's efforts? Our comprehensive list of marketing intern interview questions covers the essential areas you'll want to explore during the hiring process. From assessing their communication skills and creativity to evaluating their knowledge of marketing tools and techniques, our list provides the insights you need to make informed hiring decisions. Whether you're a seasoned recruiter or new to the hiring process, our list will help you identify top marketing talent and build a team that can execute successful campaigns and supports your business growth.

Considerations for Hiring a Marketing Intern

Marketing interns are generally students studying Advertising, Marketing, or a relevant subject, who want to gain work experience. During interviews, you should focus on finding enthusiastic candidates who want to learn and don’t consider the internship to be a formality.

An ideal Intern will help you in many ways when preparing a marketing campaign for a brand. Thus, they should have deep knowledge of marketing techniques. You can modify these questions according to the skills you want in your Marketing Intern. Most companies, emphasize finding candidates who are acquainted with SEO and know how to use social media and web apps.

These interview questions will help you find out if the candidate has a passion for the marketing field and the required interpersonal skills. Remember that the interviewee won’t have any experience, so, you will have to ask questions to find out if the candidate can work well with deadlines and perform well in a team environment.  

Behavioral Questions

  • Tell me about an integrated marketing campaign you have recently worked on. Name the channels you used and why?
  • Do you prefer presentations or reports when asked to explain marketing results? Why
  • Tell me about a marketing campaign you have worked on that failed. What was the reason for its failure and what did you learn from it?
  • Other than Marketing, what are the other internal teams you generally work with (like product and sales)? Tell me about one such project and what was your role in it.
  • Tell me about the most difficult advertising project you have recently worked on. What type of challenges did you face?

Role-specific Questions

  • How do you think people know about our brand?
  • What is your take on paid online advertising plans, like sponsored content or PPC?
  • What are the required steps to conduct a competitor analysis?
  • How does SEO help in increasing website traffic?
  • Describe Google Adwords. How do you use Google Adwords to reach potential clients?

Operational and Situational Questions

  • How do you find out if the campaign was effective and successful?
  • If you are asked to prepare a spreadsheet to show results from our advertising channels over a span of time, what metrics would you include?
  • We will soon be launching a new product, what would be your strategy to advertise it on social media?
  • What are the main reasons for the decline in website traffic? What would you do to increase it again?
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