Glider And JobDiva Integrate To Make Candidate Assessments More Effective

joseph cole

Updated on April 29, 2023

We have some news to share with you all!

Glider has integrated with JobDiva, a cloud-based Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider for staffing industries.

This integration equips mutual clients with the ability to evaluate candidates through the initial screening process, undertake coding tests and Glider assessments, analyze assessment reports, directly from the JobDiva ATS interface.

We are excited to launch the integration with JobDiva to make the experience for our customers seamless and bring them operational efficiency. We will continue to work closely with JobDiva and our common customers to augment the experience further.”- Satish Kumar, CEO, Glider.

More about Glider and JobDiva

Glider is a SaaS platform that augments the efficiency of your hiring process through a standardized and streamlined approach. You can boost placement rates multifold with Glider by sending the quality candidates.

The platform facilitates you to remote proctor the candidates and test their skills using real-life assessments that require no manual interventions. It helps your team engage with the hiring managers and employers with a highly talented stack ranked candidate pool based on the competency data across a variety of roles.

Glider’s “Total Talent Quality”™ approach adopted by MSPs and hundreds of the world’s Top Staffing Firms helps them stand out.

Try Glider Now

JobDiva is a premium quality ATS software that delivers solutions for the entire office. By amalgamating candidate searching, candidate matching, CRM, VMS synchronization, and more, the platform transforms recruitment challenges into opportunities.

JobDiva stands as every staffing firm’s ERP of choice. Having a customer base of over 30,000 users, it is the most powerful staffing solution in the market right now.

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