ffortless Automated Sourcing, New Assessment Controls and Swift User Experience
A firecracker release with powerful features, some face-lifted pages, flawless navigation, and enhanced usability controls.
SOURCE: Control and automation put you on auto-pilot
Source Screen brings you recommended candidates from your internal candidate pool as well as GLIDER candidate pool as soon as you publish a job.
This screen brings you three – key control features for each of your job posts.
ASSESS : Evaluating Candidates like a Pro
The Assess screen is your good ol’ Assign screen with a face-lift and some power boosters. Here are some enhancements to make note of.
Summary: This tab displays the details of the assessment; viz; name of the assessment, who created it, the total number of questions, description, tags, etc.
Questions: This tab displays the list of questions in an assessment. You can click and see the details of each question, author questions and answers, the topic covered, score allotted to each question, candidate preview, etc.
Settings: This tab brings together all the assessment control settings on one page. Decide what would you like to activate for each of the assessments in terms of proctoring, time window, shuffle question order, set a cut off score for disqualification, and decide on languages allowed for coding questions.
Capture Details: Mark the details of the candidate that you want to capture before them taking the assessment.
If you’d like to read a more detailed explanation of how to use these features, please drop an email to info@glider.ai