2 min read

Hiring a UI Innovator

joseph cole

Updated on December 2, 2022

Why Hire a UI Innovator? 

If you are a fan of Sci-fi movies like the Matrix Reloaded, and The Avengers and were awestruck by holograms, and shifting screens, then you already know what a UI Innovator does.   

The role of a UI Innovator is as innovative as the title itself. But the hiring demand is plummeting, thanks to the tech enterprises who are in a rush to create unpremeditated products and designs. Industry experts say that a business idea is almost inconceivable with UX and UI innovations. 

Here are some of the explosive trends and why you should hire a UI Innovator: 

  • Domination of air gestures in interactive products 
  • Rise of Dark mode screens 
  • Neuromorphic UI 
  • Avant-garde Micro-interactions 
  • Remote and virtual networks 

What is a UI Innovator? 

A UI Innovator ensures that the product’s interface is safe, innovative, and effective to use. The job title is extremely new but is rapidly catching up with digital innovations.   

Key domains where UI Innovators work is: 

  • Product comparisons 
  • User profiles 
  • Gamification  
  • Mobile UI  
  • Flat UI designs

Recommended Read: Top 50 Tech Skills and Tech Roles in 2022 

Why are UI Innovators in High Demand? 

The growth of technologies like AI, ML, NLP, and VUI need UX and UI to make sense to the common man. A website or app should not be innovative but also create a friendly and exciting user experience.  

The UI market is expected to generate a revenue of $43.24 bn with a CAGR of 10.6% by 2030. According to the report, UI Innovation is dominating in the North American region due to the massive adoption of digital technology, controlling applications, and data monitoring devices.  

Further, the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the growth of the UX and UI job market at 13% between 2020 and 2030. 

Average pay for a UI Innovator 

As Glassdoor estimates, the national average for a UI Innovator salary in the USA is $53,366 per year. 

UI Innovator KPIs 

  • CSAT – Customer Satisfaction 
  • HEART – Happiness, Engagement, Adoption, Retention, and Task Success 
  • NPS – Net Promoter Score 
  • AARRR – Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue 
  • Error Rate 

How can Glider AI help you with Hiring a UI Innovator? 

Glider’s recruitment platform is built on the mission, of “competency over credentials”. This way, you can make the most of the hiring assessments through a structured and data-driven candidate-evaluation process. 

Glider AI's Unique Features

  • Conversational Chatbot for Talent Screening
  • Interactive, coding-enabled skill tests
  • Powerful candidate analytics 

Discover Hiring Resources for UI Innovators

  • UI Innovator Job Description
  • UI Innovator Interview Questions
  • UI innovator Skills Test
  • How to Hire a UI innovator

Access 2,000 pre-built assessments covering over 500 skills with 250,000 questions, all validated by 2,000 SMEs including this for the UI Innovator role.  

Go ahead and spotlight your UI Innovator with Glider AI today! 

You can always write to us at info@glider.ai to help you access the hiring resources.

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