Interview questions for part time job candidates

joseph cole

Updated on February 28, 2023

Here are questions you can use to interview job candidates for part-time positions along with our interviewing tips to make sure you hire for the right fit for every open role.

What you should know before hiring part-time employees?

Part-time employment generally refers to working less than 40 hours in a week. Consider hiring part-time employees to:

  • Get help for particular projects
  • Cover various shifts in a day
  • Decide if an employee is a great fit before offering full-time offer
  • Address seasonal rush and high demand

To reach out to the right candidates, make sure you cleverly advertise about the part-time job opportunity in your company. You could also ask knockout questions, either include them in the job application form or during screening call, to avoid deal-breakers later in the recruitment process.

Examples of part-time job interview questions

  • How many days or hours in a week can you give to this job?
  • Why did you apply for this role? What are your expectations from the company?
  • You might have to work in shifts. Are you comfortable working in shifts and what is your availability?
  • How do you handle stress? Give an example when you handled a stressful situation skillfully.
  • If your colleague, who works on the previous shift, leaves a ton of emails as his unfinished task, what would you do?
  • If your shift ends and the colleague who works on the next shift is not there yet. What would you do?
  • What are your long-term career objectives and how do you plan to achieve them?
  • If in future, we would want you to work fulltime, would you be interested?

How to interview candidates for part-time positions?

  • Follow the job-related criteria: Part-time employees are categorized as part-time due to a reason, so, don’t expect them to be as resourceful as a full-time Employees. Use structured techniques to assess candidates and decide if they are qualified for the role.
  • Understand local labor laws related to part-time employment. Depending on your location you might have different legal obligations for part-time and full-time employees. During the interview, discuss employment terms, working schedule, wages and benefits with the candidate.
  • Don’t ask interview questions that could raise legal risks. Asking “Are your personal commitments prohibiting you from taking a full-time job?” might make candidates feel uncomfortable if they have to share their personal responsibilities. Rather, explain your available shifts and ask candidates which schedule would work for them.

Red Flags

  • They are not a culture fit: Part-time employees also play an important role. So, hire people who understand your mission and want to contribute to the company’s success and are a good cultural fit..
  • They prefer full-time jobs but you can only offer part-time employment: Some candidates consider part-time jobs as stepping stones to full-time roles. If you want to retain employees in the long run and can’t offer full-time jobs, be clear. Hire people who prefer a part-time job.
  • They can’t take different shifts: For some roles and industries, it is essential to be flexible. For example, in a retail store, a Sales Executive has to take on their colleagues’ shifts when it is required. If candidates have commitments that create scheduling issues, they might not be an apt choice for such types of roles.
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