UI Designer Interview Questions

joseph cole

Updated on February 28, 2023

Are you looking for an expert UI designer for your organization? Well, identifying a potential candidate for this position is a difficult task. Here are UI designer interview questions that you need to ask to evaluate the skills of the candidates appearing for this post.

Consideration for Hiring a UI Designer

Intuitive UI designs are a crucial component of every customer-facing development project. As such, User Interface Designers are required to work with UX Designers and other Design specialists to bring an application or website to life.

The primary responsibilities of a UI Designer are to execute all the visual design stages, conceptualize the original ideas, create wireframes, conduct user research, and promote the design guidelines.

Qualifications to look for

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science
  • Degree in Software Engineering or a course equivalent to that

Skills to look for

  • UI Experience
  • Skilled in creating storyboards and wireframes.
  • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Updated with the latest UI trends
  • Experienced with Agile development process

In addition to this, you should also review the portfolio of all the potential candidates.

Operational and Situational Questions

  • What are your core areas of UI design concepts?
  • What are you currently working on?
  • How do you estimate the deadline for your own design process?
  • According to you, which application has the worst UI ever? How will you improve it?
  • What do you know about UI micro-interactions?
  • Describe some of your favorite tasks in your portfolio. What was your design process for these tasks? What problems were you attempting to resolve? How did you make a specific design decision?
  • Was there any project that did not go as planned? If yes, then what were the reasons that led to it?
  • Are you working on any side project that you would like to discuss?

Role Specific Questions

  • Which one is your preferred development environment? (preprocessors, text editor, operating system, version control)
  • Suppose you start a new project right now. Can you tell me which solution would you choose for adding icons to the interface?
  • What is the difference between graceful degradation and progressive enhancement?
  • Name the existing Sass/CSS frameworks you have used locally or in production.
  • Define SMACSS and BEM. What do you like or do not like about these conventions?
  • What are Event Bubbling and Event Capturing?
  • What is the difference between reset.css and normalize.css?
  • How do you optimize a website and reduce its load time?
  • How do you check coding errors in CSS?
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